This is something I used to include in my seminar booklet... I thought I would post here. The idea was you could review this before your audition to get in a good head space. The biggest point here is something I've mentioned in previous posts regarding rejection. It says "I know the people making the decision are not rejecting me, they are simply picking someone else." Sounds so basic, but if you start taking this personally it will drive you crazy!
Here is it.. the "Audition Creed"
• I’ve taken the time to break down the script, make choices, dress for the part, I’M AS READY AS I CAN POSSIBLY BE.
• When I walk into the room, I need to let go of my preparation and TRUST the people I’m working with. They want me to do well because it makes them look good, so we are all working together for a common goal.
• I need to LISTEN to the people in the room first. This means not being rigidly attached to the choices I made in preparation and taking adjustments in stride.
• The reason I’m an actor is because I am passionate about it, I love to do it. I’m here to PLAY and BE CREATIVE. This is my time to block out the rest of the world, practice my craft, trust my instincts, and HAVE FUN.
• I’m grateful for this opportunity, because every time I go through the casting process I grow as an actor. Regardless of whether or not I get the job I know commercial auditions are the stepping stone to series and feature work.
• I know that there are many reasons I may not get this job that have nothing to do with my ability as an actor. I know the people making the decision are not rejecting me, they are simply picking someone else. Therefore I will not take their decision personally or dwell on things that are out of my control.
Hope this helps...
- Scott Young