

Sunday, August 24, 2014

SAG Can Wait

REPOST FROM 2012.  I thought now more then ever this was relevant so I'm moving it to the front of the line!

There is a tendency for young actors to think they need to get into the union right away.  The truth is there are a ton of non union opportunities out there for you to build your reel, resume, and experience with.  Once you join the union there is no going back.  There is of course Fi-Core (financial core)... but that can be tricky and is not for everyone (if you don't know what that is, it's when you can do both Union and NonUnion work... but it's discouraged heavily by the union and you give up some of your union rights to do this.  Google it for sure, it's good to know about).

So fi-core aside, you really want to wait and make sure you've taken complete advantage of your non union status before jumping into the "big league".  The non union talent pool isn't as big, and again, these can be great opportunities and learning experiences.  Many times you can submit yourself via LA casting (among other places) and don't even need an agent.  So don't be in a hurry, take your time and get some gigs under your belt.  Just something to think about while strategizing your career.
- Scott

*Have a question, feel free to ask. 

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