After 2 callbacks, Tim did not get the gig... he does not know why. He complains to his scotch, but it's of little comfort. Soon Tim will be angry, bitter, and drunk wandering around the streets wondering why he wants to be an actor.
Rejection in this industry is not really Rejection. What I mean is, WE NEVER "REJECT" YOU... WE SIMPLY DON'T PICK YOU. There is big difference, and if you realize this you gain helpful perspective on how casting decisions are made. One of the most liberating things for an actor is to watch a casting tape of other actors. It doesn’t matter if it’s for a diet pill or a guest appearance on ER… once you experience what it’s like to watch so many different people approach the same material, you realize how subjective it all is. Every person has their own look, vibe, hair color, skin color, etc. No two actors come across “the same” way. In fact many times the choice comes down to minor details and preferences..
Your goal is to get a callback. That means that you connected with someone on some level and they want to get a closer look. If your not getting a healthy percentage of callbacks then something is wrong. Either your going out for the wrong parts, or you need to work on your acting skills. On the other hand, if you find yourself going to a fair amount of call backs and not quite closing the deal…. It could be any number of things beyond your control (see earlier entry "why didn't they pick me") So remember, that feeling of rejection is an illusion you are investing in... there is nothing personal in any of this... it simply was not your job to book.
- Scott Young
Commercial Success/ Shoot a Scene. Edit Your Reel
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