

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This kind of goes along with media networking. Have you ever wanted to learn HOW to use programs like Photoshop? Final Cut Pro? Aftereffects? Iweb? etc. If you ever try to learn these programs by reading a manual, you will go insane.

Lynda.com is an amazing website that is loaded with quicktime tutorials for hundreds of applications. It's like taking a class... well, better then taking a class because everything is broken down into easy to find segments... so you go at your own pace. You may want to explore editing your own reels, short films, or retouching your own photographs, designing your own website. Lynda.com takes the mystery and frustration out of learning new applications and empowers you to creatively handle more things in your career. It's something like $25 a month... but they have several different options... and once you are up and running on a program, you can certainly unsubscribe. I wanted to share this in the blog because it rocked me through photoshop at lightning speed, and I'm constantly bopping back on the site to learn more, or refresh my memory on certain things.
- Scott Young
Commercial Success/ Shoot a Scene. Edit Your Reel

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