

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


A quick thought... when you find an acting class you enjoy, it's tempting to stay there forever. You make friends, and it turns into a safe place to go every week, some classes begin to feel almost "cult" ish. When you actually talk to some actors about their acting class, they sound like...
"Oh my god, she's the best, I just feel so safe and warm and I've grown so much here... and the other students are the best... I've been their 7 years, and I love it!". Remember however, that comfort is not necessarily good... and you joined an acting class... not a street gang! You will not be killed if you decide to leave and join another program. Point is, you need to make sure that you are being challenged... pushed. Once you realize you're not learning enough, then move onto another program.. even if you've been there for a couple years and have a great relationship with the teacher and class members. It's business, not personal, you can always come back.

Especially if you are in a city like Los Angeles, there is some crazy talent in the this town you can learn from... why not try and soak in a variety of methods, approaches, etc. Take what works for you and move on. I'm not suggesting you bop around from class to class every couple of months, or even years. Simply be honest with yourself about whether or not your acting ability is being enhanced, or if you're are just going through the motions and feeling nice.

If you want to treat your scene study class like a "feel good with my actor friends" club, then that's fine... just push yourself via specific, short term workshops then. (improv, commercial technique etc.)
- Scott
Any Questions?  Feel free to ask.

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